Hosting a conversation

Human rights are vital for all of us.  And it is important that this new human rights law is shaped by people’s views and experiences.  That’s why groups of all sorts across Scotland have hosted online conversations about it and have fed in their views. Many thanks to all who have!

The public discussions are now complete. The Taskforce is currently considering its recommendations, which we expect to be published in March. To keep up to date with the project and its outcomes, please email

The following resources were used to help facilitate the conversations:

This short film sets out what All Our Rights in Law is all about, and proved a great way to start the chat! (You can watch it with BSL here)

Here are the other resources we used:

The conversations are now complete, but if you would like more information or to keep up to date with the project, please email

What happens after the conversations?

We are currently  gathering views from all of these conversations to give to the National Taskforce, to help inform their final recommendations. We will also publish a report of people’s views, to help inform the next stage of how detailed proposals for a new law are developed.

If you have taken part, you can opt in to be kept in touch with what happens next. Please email for more information.